Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Sophie Dhokia

Date submitted
27 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Why are we selling our land to the Americans and the Chinese for something that doesn't work. They are laughing at us. Taking our money and leaving us with total crap. WHO have looked in the impact of radiation given off by solar farms and the harm it does to the environment and peoples health. Solar farms are not green energy and can only produce a small amount. The batteries used to increase the power are so dangerous do we really want to go down this route. Roof solar is much better. Planning should be looking at new buildings with compulsory green power supply. Our fields hold a lot of water so when other parts of the country are struggling to grow our food supply our farmers are increasing their crops so although its 3b soil it grows very good crops in dry summers. Our roads can't take anymore heavy traffic. And the A15 has been refused planning to dual carriageway that road I believe so our roads will become worse and our council tax will go up to cover the damage. No jobs will be generated and people will start to leave the city as this is not the only solar farm preposed in Lincolnshire about 20,000 acars so far surrounding the city and millions are being spent on Lincoln to bring people in to live and work here but who what's to live in a city surrounded by radiation and 4 meters height solar panels. I agree that we need green energy just disagree that this the the right way to go forward. One more thing. This company has been very discreet it informing the local community about this project and hasn't been very clear in its plans. And who's to say they won't claim bankruptcy or sell to other suppliers for profit like other solar farms have done in this country only a few months ago. 40 years plus 25 for the land not to be used is a very long time to get our farmland back if you make the mistake of selling our farmland. Oh and the damage to wildlife in this area will be very high. From the deers, the birds of pray right down to the bat's and bees and butterfly will be devistating. Please don't make a mistake. Look at other green routes first.