Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by John Arnold Hallam

Date submitted
28 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed project is 1 of 4 large solar and electrical storage facilities proposed in this area with a combined area of 10,000 acres. This project and the others will have devastating visual impact on the area changing it from a rural landscape to a industrialised one. The proposals will take out at a minimum of 10,000 acres of productive farm land at a time when food security for our country is essential. Additional land will be taken out of use during construction for access/cable routes. No brownfield sites appear to have been considered. Battery storage systems that are known to catch fire and release toxic fumes have been proposed adjacent to populated areas the consequences of this do not appear to have been adequately addressed. The ecosystem of the area will be destroyed during the 2/3 year construction phase and on completion the habitat will not exist to repopulate the areas. This will result in a biodiversity net loss to the areas with free movement of animals bared by industrial style fencing. It appears brownfield sites have not been adequately considered. The impact on the mental and physical well being of residents doesn’t appear to have been considered. The local infrastructure will be destroyed the existing road network is crumbling at present the increased volume of traffic on the roads and through villages will be devastating.