Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Christine Elizabeth Larkin

Date submitted
3 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am appalled to read about this planned project and very saddened. Lincolnshire is known for its agricultural land and should remain so. The enormous loss of this land, along with associated jobs, is unthinkable. 3,000 acres is a huge area and, with another 7,000 acres planned, totals 10,000acres. It just shouldn't happen. I was astounded to read that the proposed panels are 4metres high. Would you, personally, accept these monstrosities outside your home? I don't feel other sources of power have been adequately investigated. Why not use wind power? I have just been to a lecture on solar power, showing that it is not all that we are lead to believe. It is still relatively new as we scrabble about trying to save our beautiful planet. We must not make hasty decisions about the effectiveness of other sources of energy. We live in a, mostly, cool, dull, cloudy country. What makes people think we would benefit much from solar power? It seems very ill-thought-out to me. Added to which, there is a planned 4-year construction time. This is all so very wrong. What are the people who live around Cottam supposed to do in their lives with all this going on? It will be life-altering for them all. Many of the nearby residents will have moved there especially for the peace and quiet that living in the country brings. They will be heart-broken if this goes ahead. I cannot imagine the effect this will have on their mental health. This will lead to poorer productivity in the market place within their chosen professions. I cannot believe that there are not plenty of large areas that are uninhabited, say, alongside motorways, etc, where these panels could be constructed instead of ruining the lives of people who deserve a peaceful home. They don't deserve this. Another area of great concern is that these panels are not recyclable at the end of their lifespan. They become landfill and that is unconscionable. This planned installation must be halted.