Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by GregoryPowell

Date submitted
5 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am against the project 100% , 1 this is farm land and should be used such We keep being told that the country needs to be more self sufficient in our supply of food . Taking away 7000 acres of arable land to be used as a solar farm that will supply less than 50%, of the combined output of the 2 power stations, it is going to replace is a inproportionate Use of land to what it is ment to achieve, 2 . it will be a absolute eyesore a blot on the land scape and ruin the natural beauty of the country 3. properties value will plummet, who will want to live in the middle of a giant solar far 4 the effect to wild life will be vast