Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by William Rose

Date submitted
14 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I think this project should be judged and assessed in conjunction with the three others which are being proposed. Despite the land classification, this is good farm land being taken out of production for use whch at best isn't an efficient way of producing electricty. There must be better ways if there is felt to be a need for solar panels to site them for instance on warehouse roofs. By placing what will be 10000 acres of panels in this huge block, you will have changed the landscape for generations.I think all the four schemes should be considered as one, as they are all going to be joined together. I have lived and farmed in Fillingham for all my 73 years, this project along with the other four proposed projects will result in what I consider to be good farmland no matter what the official grading is. My farm is very similar quality land, I can make a decent living and provide employment for four full time staff. The farmland which is being taken out of production not only provides food for the nation, but employment for the inhabitants of the area. The ripple effect of its’ loss will be felt in the surrounding community. I feel it’s a shame that fellow farmers are taking the shilling and turning their backs on their roles as custodians of our landscape. This vast area of panels will blight the views I have from my house, my farm, and as I travel the local area will be an ever present reminder of man’s greed. This project and many others like it have come from some government edit. Why is it that every new building being it a domestic house or commercial warehouse isn’t obliged to have the roof covered with panels ? Surely this would be a much better use of space ? If these projects are allowed to continue, the impact on our single track local roads will be considerable. In fact this coupled with the fifteen foot high hedges will completely change the local environment. We are a quiet rural area, a back water some would say. Mothers walk children down country lanes, horse riders and cyclists value them for the lack of traffic. All this will be changed forever. There must be a more efficient way of producing electricity, what about small scale nuclear reactors. Surely these are much better, produced by an English company in England. Rather than a Chinese company using slave labour.