Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Victoria White

Date submitted
18 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. The proposal is Just 1 of 4 Solar, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other. Together this would be the largest solar farm complex in Europe and would amount to 10,000 acres in total. All 4 proposals must be examined and assessed altogether. 2. The combined effect with the other 3 proposals, cumulative effect of 10,000 acres of farmland lost and the industrialisation of the area as a whole. Losing food producing land at this rate when alternatives are available. The jobs and skills within agriculture will be affected. 3. A vast area of farmland would be lost to this Solar and Energy Storage Park. This land covered by such structures, will it blend into the landscape or dominate it? 4. This proposal on open farmland would be highly visible from country lanes and property. Will the views, walks and enjoyment of the countryside be affected by this solar proposal? Residents of the area severely negatively impacted for others to gain leaving a potential solar wasteland in years to come. Who will be accountable for safety, how many different companies will gain in these projects with no ongoing care/responsibilty for the vast areas/ people and wildlife affected. 5. One of the world's largest Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) is a potential fire and chemical risk to life and property. It is not acceptable to locate this kind of infrastructure on farmland. It is it better to locate this apparatus close to the Grid connection an a brownfield site. Has the land been selected on suitability or purely on availability? Has the scheme been well planned and does it really consider the environment and wildlife and residents of the area. 7. There would be a 4 year construction period when combined with the other 3 projects on a building site of 10,000 acres. Residents mental health and well-being, must be taken into consideration by these vast proposals in the countryside. Natural habitats and wildlife negatively impacted and all the associated issues as a result. 8. Risks known and unknown such as brownfield site use, panel size and glare, battery storage, generation capabilities and flood risk. 9.The role solar can play is limited because it provides power intermittently and least power when we need it most – e.g. winter evenings. The proposed developments are an inefficient use of land, for their contribution to the energy mix. Surely an available, acceptable more effective way would be to install solar panels on commercial and domestic roofs, where it will directly reduce bills instead of using farmland? No need for the large batteries as energy collection points removing the associated risks by putting these large solar farms in place. 10. The solar farm apparatus is likely to be manufactured abroad (China) and the construction labour sourced from outside the area. Is an ethically sound proposal? Will the human rights of these overseas workers be respected? Ruining the land and life for the developers gain. Displacement due to these projects is not a solution, bringing problems to the area not solutions for a few to gain. The area will be left with an incredible ongoing to bill pay both financially and quality of life. It is not justifiable to detrimentally impact life and land due to these projects. ….. The change of use of land removing citically needed agricultural land. The low amount of energy provided and the vast area needed for this inefficient project. Those who have no vested interest in this area other than to make a huge financial gain and may not even be companies owned in Great Britain. Hence responsibility and control will be overseas leaving local area vulnerable and out of its control. The maintenance of these with a number of different invested overseas parties who will not be interested in serving this community but only to profit. The long 25 year life of these panels suggests it can easily become a project which companies leave and these panels and batteries once rendered useless will not be taken care of or fully recycled. Left as solar waste farms! The vast detrimental impact on the environment to both human and animal life. The damage to the local current infrastructure due to the use of heavy vehicles, indeed a prolonged use over a number of years. The damage to the area, which is a vast area intended for the Solar project. The panels will takeover the countryside and will negatively impact the ecology and wildlife. The impact to the health and finance of residents with considerable detriment to all the lives of those who live in this area. Devaluing all aspects of our lives in such a beautiful area of countryside and agriculture. The damage to roads which local residents will have to pay for through increased council tax or be subject to roads left in dangerous conditions. It will become a vast unwanted area of isolation.