Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Louise Kelly

Date submitted
21 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am completely against this horror,one of 4 monster plans which would destroy our farmland forever. This site is utterly unsuitable and the developer has not demonstrated that no alternatives exist.There are 600000 acres of warehouses rooftops but of course their only consideration is monetary.We must not allow these land grabbers to destry a valuable asset like the countryside! Solar is moreover a very inefficient renewable and there are net zero gains to be had from this.The 4 projects must be looked at together,all of the 12000 plus acres of land they would destroy.This land is not at all degraded as they would want you to believe,even 3b is versatile and able to produce valuable crops. There is nothing environmental about this scheme,on the contrary it would destroy wildlife,the environment,country,our narrow roads,local jobs.Our views would be ruined forever and our ability to enjoy the countryside,this will become our landscape for decades and all but the developers would suffer immensely.The batteries moreover are completely unregulated and pose a serious health risk in the event of a thermal runway.There is no amelioration,compensation or avoidance that would make up for this devastation,none at all.We have been told lies from day one and nonsense based oncomputer modelling.This is not the way forward and schemes like these must be stopped because once the land is gone and contaminated,it is gone. The whole project is a farce and there is nothing net zero about it,nothing,built on child slavery,suffering,extraction of rare earths and lies. In the mane of profit only.Please reject this application