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Representation by Sandra Carter

Date submitted
22 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Strongly opposed to the impending planning application to smother parts of our fertile farming land in Lincolnshire with solar panels. I’m originally from North London so appreciate very much the beauty of the Lincolnshire countryside and the fact that this county has always been known as the ‘ bread basket ‘ of our country. I do feel that we’re becoming the dumping ground here and the so called levelling up has not been considered for Lincolnshire. Sadly it is true that the south of England is nurtured and anything north of Peterborough seems to be forgotten. It appears that due to the flat terrain here it becomes the ideal place to spread acres of solar panels suggesting, at the same time that the carbon effusion will be eradicated. I’m in my dotage but future generations of our children are going to think that metal panels grow in fields and white windmills grow out at sea. Very reminiscent of concrete cows in Welwyn Garden City when the so called developers of the day, circa 1960 ish wanted to manufacture ‘ countryside’. For goodness sake think very carefully what you are doing to this lovely county of ours, consider wildlife and all the natural aspects of living in the rural parts of England, that if we’re not careful are going to be eradicated for good. We have a great deal of development taking place here with vast amounts of housing being built, this is good for our economy and great to see that people want to live their lives here with all of us, very welcoming. Your argument will be that we therefore need extra energy producing commitments such as solar energy, my answer to that would be to build your panels on the new homes, hospitals and any other building developments. We desperately need investment here,I agree but not eyesores.