Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Andrew Deague

Date submitted
22 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Shear size of this project, it should be considered along with the other proposed solar farms in the area not just on its own. Loss of productive land, as a neighbouring farmer I don’t believe the land type classification the land is of a higher classification. Loss of wildlife to the area, I believe the fencing and panels will be detrimental to larger wildlife, like deer,foxes, badgers and hares. The efficiency of the panels is poor, the land would be better used for growing crops for a bio digester to produce power, then the land could be turned back to growing food crops very quickly. Food security needs to be considered, there is plenty of roofs and brown field sites for panels. Carbon impact of the production of the panels along with the detrimental effect on the environment from the construction of such a large scale project. Access to all the site is from minor roads or roads with weight restrictions, the building and maintenance of the site will have a detrimental effect on our poor rural roads, unless the companies are going to contribute to improving roads, or repairing them once the construction is finished.