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Representation by The Environment Agency (The Environment Agency)

Date submitted
23 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Below is a summary of our relevant representations. We have sent an email with our detailed comments to which can be published alongside this brief. We would not agree to disapply the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 in their entirety. We will only agree to disapply the requirement for a flood risk activity permit. We have reviewed the proposed protective provisions (Schedule 16, Part 9) for the protection of the Environment Agency. We do not accept the current wording and will work with the applicant to agree these. Further assessment and/or information will be required on the following to enable the examining authority to make an informed decision: On ecology and biodiversity: The Water Framework Directive (WFD) assessment omits physical impacts to rivers, hydromorphological quality should be explored. More detail on the control of invasive species across the sites is required. The Landscape and Ecological Management Plan should include more detail on ditch improvements. On hydrology, flood risk and drainage: Where river crossings are proposed these must be carried out using trenchless techniques, open-cut techniques would be unsuitable.
