Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Patricia Anne Stansfield

Date submitted
23 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The main issues are that it is a massive project that is being put alongside three other projects that will dominate an industrialise an agricultural area. The projects are being presented as separate in order to get through planning regulations but they need to be considered in the light of their compound impact. The sites have been chosen in a haphazard fashion governed by the release of land by large landowners rather than suitability. Brownfield and industrial rooftops in the area have not been utilised. Th massive batteries required to store the inefficient, intermittent output of the panels are dangerous, toxic and flammable. The main impacts are the rare elements needed to build the batteries and panels are mined and shipped using environmentally damaging methods. They are manufactured in a country with a bad human rights and environmental records. The effects of daytime and nocturnal wildlife environments has been downplayed by the developers. The current global food situation makes food security a vicarious issue - we need to preserve farmland. It will affect my choice to live in a rural area. Many areas where I take relaxing exercise, beneficial to my mental and physical health will be blighted by canyons of black glass. The dark skies I enjoy and the night-time silence will be disturbed by security lights and panel motors. I will be anxious about battery fires.