Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Sacha Baggili

Date submitted
24 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The cumulative effects of all these mammoth solar projects will be absolutely devastating to the villages in the West Lindsey district, totally changing the character of the rural environment that we chose to live in. It will turn the area into an gigantic industrial park, and construction site and it will ruin wildlife habitat, the open landscape and the peace. Solar should be developed on brownfield sites and on building roofs, not erected with huge security fences around rural villages. Utterly disgusted this has even been proposed. So incredibly short-sighted and selfish. And this is agricultural land… during a time of desperate domestic need to improve food security!!! I’m a huge a supporter of renewable, clean energy, but I am absolutely horrified at the monstrous scale of solar panel proposals in the West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire, which will completely devastate the rural area that I live in. I find it astounding that such expansive areas on just one concentrated area of the country have even been proposed. If these plans go ahead it will equate the UK dumping the entirety of its clean energy catch-up problems on the people of West Lindsey. Our home will be transformed from a rural community of rolling fields and wildlife into an industrial power park. Moreover, how can planners possibly even consider industrialising agricultural land at a time of acute food insecurity in the UK and the urgent need to invest in domestic agriculture - for both socio-economic and environment (carbon footprint) purposes. It beggars belief! Why are efforts not being concentrated on developing solar energy on brownfield sites and on buildings? Why tear-up our rural communities and livelihoods and peace? How on earth can these plans be pursued in the name of environmentalism? It seems those proposing these plans to totally eradicate our countryside are seeking short cuts for personal financial gain, rather than considering holistic and sustainable solutions to the UK’s clean energy needs for the benefit of all communities equally. I’m utterly horrified.