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Representation by Burton by Lincoln Parish Council (Burton by Lincoln Parish Council)

Date submitted
26 March 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

Applications for PV Arrays, Electricity Generating Substations and Associated Infrastructure to support the NSIP development located in the District of West Lindsey in the County of Lincolnshire Namely: Cottam Solar Project I am writing to respond to these applications on behalf of Burton-by-Lincoln Parish Council. Burton-by-Lincoln is located in West Lindsey and in the vicinity of these application sites. Although, it is a small parish it is rural in nature therefore has an understanding of rural agriculture and land management. There is concern regarding these applications for a variety of reasons. Renewable energy production methods are supported by Burton by Lincoln Parish Council. However, they submit that these applications are not an appropriate way to produce energy as they have consequences that outweigh the potential benefits. The application sites are in rural locations. The soil in these areas is graded between 1-3b. This is highly productive soil which is used and should continue to be used for agricultural food production. It is appreciated that there is an energy crisis, however, this is not solved by creating a food crisis. Agriculture plays a highly significant role in the local economy by way of direct employment and product sale in Lincolnshire. These application sites, if permitted, would employ minimal staff once set up and would not directly support the economy of the area. The farms in these areas are most likely to be run by tenant farmers who will then lose their livelihood. Lincolnshire is a pivotal county in ensuring that the UK becomes more food self-sufficient. It is currently one of the largest, if not the largest, agricultural producing county in the UK. The importance of Lincolnshire being central to our food production in the UK should be supported not reduced. Recent events have shown the importance of food self-sufficiency and together with climate change it has increased our need to be self-sufficient. Transporting food across the world is not sustainable from a climate perspective. A rural landscape is also part of the heritage of Lincolnshire. The loss of the landscapes is not only a loss to the local people but also to the many visitors to the area. We have now understood the significance of countryside for our physical and mental wellbeing. The Central Lincolnshire Local Plan covers this area. It does not identify these areas as ones which should be “industrialised” by the imposition of PV arrays. The scale of the project is to turn an agricultural location into an industrial one. There are alternative more suitable locations for PV Arrays. This would ensure the production of energy by sustainable means but not to the detriment of agriculture. PV arrays could be positioned on non-productive land or on the top of buildings. Placing PV arrays in those locations would provide for the national energy need without creating a food crisis. Those that dwell in the area will been surrounded by panels stretching out into the distance. This will have an unacceptable impact on their way of life and lifestyle amenity. Burton -by- Lincoln Parish Council are of the view that we all have a responsibility not only in our current times but also for our future generations to preserve and protect our landscape, our food source and to ensure that our energy production is done by sustainable methods. We have more sustainable methods available to us that should be utilised. Thereby preserving what is needed whilst still being able to provide energy for our future energy needs.