Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by John Perkins

Date submitted
28 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I moved to Glentworth five years ago to be on the edge of a village surrounded by countryside - not an industrial area! If this proposal goes ahead, I will lose that enjoyment and commitment made to enhance my property and surroundings and for what reason? Solar panels not only destroy the environment, taking up good farming land that is providing food for the country, they are a very expensive way of producing what is in fact unreliable energy. They are generally made in China using coal fired power and rare, expensive minerals, so what are we achieving? It is hypocrisy in the extreme! This application is only one section of a massive scheme which, if it is all implemented will transform this countryside into an industrial zone. The British Research Institute (BRE) estimated as long ago as 2016 that there approximately 250,000 hectares of south facing commercial roof space in the UK. Less than a tenth of all the UK's solar panels are on commercial roofs whereas in Germany, for example, half of their solar panels are on commercial roofs. Solar panels should be located on commercial/ industrial roofs where they belong - not on productive farmland. It is clear that, if we listen to the Climate Alarmists, we will impoverish ourselves by relying on solar power which is in fact unreliable, expensive energy. The best way to be environmentally friendly is to leave our countryside for food production.