Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by John Montgomery

Date submitted
28 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have lived in the beautiful, tranquil idyll that is Glentworth in excess of 20 years, a beautiful example of the English countryside, both peaceful and unspoilt, and am now enjoying my retirement. HOW DARE YOU even think it's a good idea to RAPE our treasured landscape in the idiotic pursuit of some hairbrained idea that you can economically supply enough electrical power to the grid to make the whole project both viable and justifiable? It should not go ahead. Solar is too unreliable to ever be a success on a cloudy island situated this far north. If it does go ahead, HISTORY will ask the question 'how could they have been that stupid?' The lives of all those living in the 30 villages surrounded by this and the 3 other proposed sites will be ruinously affected, and in many cases for the rest of their lives, living in what will become and ugly industrial area and which can never be disguised by screening with a few trees here and there. Not to mention the fact that they would take at least the first 20 years of the project to become established. By the time the projects have run their course and attempts are made to return the area to arable land, many residents will be dead and will never see the land green and productive again. On top of this, the loss of quality agricultural land essential to allow the UK to continue it's progression towards becoming self sufficient in food to feed it's ever increasing population would be irreparably damaged. Please, please wake up before it's too late and the damage is done.