Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Trevor John Bridgwood

Date submitted
28 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This is prime farmland, thousands of acres of food producing farming land if we reduce our capability to produce food locally we will need to import more food from overseas with the associated carbon produced by its shipping. Solar is good right, but it makes far more sense to put it on roof tops and protect our food source. This type of development is lazy, just because greenfield sites are easier to develop than brownfield sites and the developer has lower installation costs. The cost of some everyday food prices has more than doubled over the last Year, consumer brand Which has found. It is noted that particular heavy hikes are on own branded products with Breakfast Cereal rising by as much as 129%! Should we therefore be industrialising thousands of acres of food producing farmland into solar parks? This proposal would destroy productive farmland, ruin the countryside and cause the destruction of wildlife habitat.