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Representation by Nottinghamshire County Council (Nottinghamshire County Council)

Date submitted
28 March 2023
Submitted by
Local authorities

This matter is being dealt with by: Nina Wilson Ref: n/a T [redacted] E [redacted] W Sent via email to: 28th March 2023 Dear Sir/Madam, Ref: Notice of Acceptance of an application for a Development Consent Order (“DCO”) by the Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Secretary of State) under Section 56 of the Planning Act 2008 Thank you for your email dated 16th February 2023 requesting strategic planning observations on the above Development Consent Order (DCO). I have consulted with my colleagues across relevant divisions of the County Council and have the following comments to make. With reference to highways NCC would prefer the solar farms to share the same cable or at least the same trench if possible, to minimise disruption. We would also like the respective CTMPs or conditions to deal with the size, location, and access arrangements for any temporary compounds required to facilitate the construction of the grid connection(s), the routeing of vehicles involved in the laying of the cable(s) and the condition and suitability of those routes. However, the New Roads and Streets Works Act will deal with the coordination of the actual roadworks and in theory that would prevent any conflicts. In relation to Flood Risk, due to the nature of the proposals these do not appear to seek to significantly increase the impermeable area of the site, and as such the LLFA would only like to comment that surface water runoff from the site should not be exacerbated. Any runoff from any hardstanding/small buildings on the site should be captured on site, to prevent increasing runoff from the site. In terms of minerals and waste, there is nothing in the proposals that would change previous minerals and waste comments, although the area within Nottinghamshire does come with the safeguarding area for sand and gravel, we would not object to the proposals. Nottinghamshire County Council would welcome the joining up of Examinations in respect of Gate Burton, Cottam and West Burton to address issues of cumulative impacts, in particular in relation to cumulative impacts of the three cable corridors and particularly during construction when three different cable corridors could be being laid during a 4/5 month period in the same area. Should you require any further assistance in relation to any of these matters please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours faithfully Nina Wilson Principal Planning Officer Nottinghamshire County Council This document is unsigned as it is electronically forwarded. If you require a signed copy, then please contact the sender.