Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Geoffrey Middleton

Date submitted
29 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My objection to the Cottam proposal covers many areas. This development is one of 4 proposals within a few miles of one another totaling over 10,000 acres. All 4 sh9uld be counted as one and not sneakily submitted as 4 completely separate developments. Their combined impact on this area will be devastating. Devastating to food production, wildlife, local residents mental health and well-being. Safety of residents forced to live close to an enormous Battery Energy Storage System is compromised. Massive disruption from infrastructure development of 10,000 acres close to significant centres of population. Destruction of of an area designated as an Area of Great Landscape Value namely the land below the B1398. This sort of development should and must be limited to brown field sites NOT the productive pastures of rural Lincolnshire. Please reject this proposal as it cannot be separated from the combined 10,000 acre cumulative plan.