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Representation by LNT Aviation Limited/ Blyton Park Driving Centre/ LNT Group (LNT Aviation Limited/ Blyton Park Driving Centre/ LNT Group)

Date submitted
29 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Notice of Acceptance of an application for a Development Consent Order (“DCO”) by the Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Secretary of State ) under Section 56 of the Planning Act 2008 Thank you for your letter dated 15 February 2023 addressed to The Secretary of LNT Aviation Limited advising of the above application for a Development Consent Order to build a solar and energy storage project comprising Cottam 1, 2, 3a and 3b : Four Solar Array sites. It is understood that the application for a Development Consent Order has been accepted for examination by the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) and relates to what has been classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP). Furthermore, it is understood that LNT Aviation Limited has been identified as a prescribed body and/or a person with an interest in Land (PIL) for the purposes of Section 56 of the Act and/or Regulation 16 of the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. LNT Aviation Limited – is part of the LNT Group of Companies – including Ginetta Cars Ltd, which are owners and operators of Blyton Park Driving Centre, off Kirton Road, to the north east of Blyton Village, immediately to the north of the area referred to within the application as Cottam 3a. Blyton Park Driving Centre: o Blyton Park Driving Centre is a long established Driving Centre utilising the former runways of RAF Blyton, since as long ago as the 1950’s o The Driving Centre usage was formally established in the early 1990’s and has developed in this location over a long period of years. o It currently accommodates a thriving business enterprise with an almost full calendar of driving events and motor sports activity, all year round. o It is used for driver training; research and development as a well as multiple recreational driving uses and represents a rare opportunity for such automotive uses. o Planning permission was recently granted by WLDC in March 2022, for development of the Driving Centre as a Automotive Research and Development Centre for new electric vehicle and other automotive technologies. o The development of the Driving Centre was granted on the basis of positive contribution to the local economy and employment generation and as a facility that would attract visitors and additional tourism to the area. Proposed Solar & Energy Storage Project o Prior to receipt of the letter dated 15 February 2023, it is understood that there was no prior consultation with LNT Aviation Limited or the Blyton Park Driving Centre in relation to the proposed Solar project. o It is understood that the area to the south and east of Blyton Park Driving Centre is proposed to accommodate both an extensive and intensive array of ground mounted solar panels o Cottam 3a is proposed to the north of Kirton Road and immediately up to the southern and eastern boundaries of the Driving Centre. o The proposed Solar scheme is intended to cover a significant number of hectares of currently productive agricultural land, attractive countryside and rural landscape. o The solar panels it is proposed to be installed in the form of -Tracking Panels and/or Fixed Panels, the height of which will be up to 4.5m and typically only some 0.4m above the ground. LNT Aviation Ltd/The LNT Group/ Blyton Park Driving Centre wish to STRONGLY OBJECT to the Cottam 3a part of the proposed solar project for the following reasons: - o The impact of glint & glare from the reflective surfaces of such a large array of solar panels in such extremely close proximity to the long established Driving Centre business and motor vehicle activity that will have a significantly detrimental effect in relation to enjoyment of drivers attending the adjacent Driving Centre and most importantly from a health and safety perspective of drivers using the adjacent driving centre and associated circuit, only metres to the north and west of the proposed solar panel arrays. o Its likely harmful impact as a consequence of the introduction of such a large array of acoustically reflective surfaces and development, in such close proximity to the long established Driving Centre and Motor Vehicle activity that has been successfully restricted and managed in terms of its acoustic impact, over a long period of years and likely significant adverse impact on the amenity of the occupants of nearby residential properties and the acceptance and viability of the adjacent Driving Centre business and its approved future development. o The detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the countryside and landscape character to the north-east of Blyton Village and as a consequence to the attractive rural character and setting of the well-established Blyton Park Driving Centre business and premises. Notably the Driving Centre has recently been granted planning permission for appropriate development and enhancement, as a Research & Development facility for new Automotive Technologies. o The likely harmful effects of strong electromagnetic fields generated, as a consequence of the proposed solar panels arrays and associated development, on the users of the adjacent Driving Centre and those taking part in any adjacent motor vehicle activity and in relation to the development of the Driving Centre as a new Research & Development facility for New Automotive technologies, including electric vehicles and autonomous vehicle technology development. o It needs also to be pointed out that the development should not impede the currently unrestricted access to the established Driving Centre business and circuit off Kirton Road to the Driving Centre, at all times. It needs to be explained what development is proposed in relation to the existing access road and assurances given that this access road is to be retained and rights of access across it for the Driving Centre retained, at all times. Note that the first (southern) section of this access road off Kirton Road is enclosed within the application site boundary, whilst the northern section of it closest to the Driving Centre is excluded in the material provided.