Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Mrs Pauline Ann Chester

Date submitted
29 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am opposed to agricultural land, of any grade, being used for solar farms. We need that land to provide food for the nation now and in the future. I have major concerns about the effect of this solar farm on all wildlife and nature in the area, too many natural habitats and food sources will be destroyed for animals, birds and insects. Brownfield sites, roofs of public buildings, factories and all new build houses are all places that should be considered first as the impact on the environment would be minimal. I feel strongly that the company involved in developing the solar farm has gone for the cheapest option for them in getting the power into the national grid with total disregard for the impact on the environment and all the people living in the villages around it. I know that we need to invest and create carbon neutral power but industrialising the rural landscape is not the solution and is very short sighted, especially with the limitations of solar power with our climate and also storage problems with excess power when created. When demand for power is at its greatest, evenings and winter solar panels will be at their least efficient. I feel that there will be a detrimental impact on peoples mental health and well being, both during the disruption during construction and afterwards with acres of solar panels replacing the patchwork of fields. There is a major problem with the condition of our rural roads especially the one track ones linking villages. The effect of heavy construction traffic using these roads will impact on people travelling and the state of the roads.