Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Cheryl Felix

Date submitted
11 January 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

To add onto what I’ve said many times before, and for the comments to be noted by the deadline, I repeat - These projects are neither wanted nor needed here. The amount of electricity generated by these panels will not justify the loss of land involved. Up to 10,000 acres of our countryside will irretrievably disappear. Much of this will be the loss of valuable agricultural land, of whatever grade, and in a time of food insecurity, this is insane. We have already lost too much agricultural land under housing. The panels will also be unsightly and their placement will adversely affect the well being of the residents in the area. There is an abundance of brownfield sites where these things could be placed, and also many commercial rooftops on which they could be sited. The residents of the area are completely against all projects and you have no right to ride roughshod over us. You don’t live in the area! Yours faithfully, Cheryl Felix, Marton, Gainsborough. Sent from my iPhone