Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Victoria White

Date submitted
21 January 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This is not a safe efficient project. The impact on the rural community is immense if this and the other projects are allowed to go ahead. Compulsory takeover of farmland reduces the food available. Carbon neutral cannot be achieved by displacing one energy source for another taking out farmland. The impact on the large area of land which the electricity must pass to get to the grid from these panels reduces the electric received at the grid. The further it travels from the load cell/end user the greater the loss. Going under rivers across countryside used by humans and animals including rare wildlife is mass destruction. The efficiency and safety of the electric collection and delivery is not efficient. Low level of sunlight in UK compared to countries of much higher levels of sunlight have problems with this technology. It is not suitable for use in large areas. Ruining human and animal health and safety applying any of these solar projects to the beautiful rural landscape is completely unacceptable. The risk of fire, from high energy storage with large batteries and leakage into the environment is so high. Local services could not save us. We would have to be evacuated and to where? Recent flooding all over the areas they want to install these panels demonstrates the danger. Where is the cost benefit analysis. Local communities must not suffer.