Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Simon Skelton

Date submitted
27 January 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the Recent material changes to the CSP application dated 21st November 2023 and ask why this has happend a full two months after the same application change was requested for the 'Gate Burton Energy Park' regarding the same Cottam power station, South cable access route. This change has clearly been known about for a considerable time? These changes would cause additional destruction to the natural world and wildlife habitats along the southern perimiter of the Cottam power station site. This is a recreational area enjoyed by local residents and is adjacent to an important and much used access lane to the river Trent. The area is wildlife rich and has several badger setts. it is also of local historic and no doubt archeological interest due to proposal being adjacent to a possible site of a moated manor house from the Cromwell period. The disruption and volume of groundwork covering an even larger area is completely disproportional to the electrical gain and national benefit of this scheme. This should not be afforded compulsory aquisition rights due to the Applicant not having a sound or compelling case. This scheme is clearly not in the nations best interests with the issues of large scale ground mounted solar now being widely realised. The reasons are not confined to, but include the following important issues: Extremely limited electrical output within the context of national electricity demand and a correspondingly low decarbonisation contribution. Large amounts of farmland unnecessarily lost to this type of land hungry scheme, more land efficient alternatives with greater generating capacity must be used if we are to successful in the decarbonisation of the UK. These low yielding solar plants should not be wasting important 400kv Grid connections. Significant visual impact, due to vast size and equipment selection. Destruction of unnecessary amounts of the natural world during construction and maintenance, including the excessive cable route of up to 20km from the Grid connection, crossing a major river and between the many separate land parcels. A recent anouncement of another solar NSIP that falls within the same 10km radius as the four in West Lindsey "Steeple Renewables" adjacent to West Burton power station, proves that the site selection in Lincolnshire was not based on the best sites available but purely on the land obtained by the Applicant at the time. If the Cottam power station brownfield site had been utilised, as laid down in planning policy (Cottam has been for sale since 2019) then the BESS and photovoltaics could of sensibly made use of this brownfield site adjacent to the 400KV Grid and this application change request issue would not have arisen. In correspondence in August 2022 with the EDF Head of Thermal Generation. Mr Powell stated that "There is still no sale agreed at Cottam and we have had no approach for land by any Solar companies." There is obviously no appetite for using brownfield sites by these Developers, so this is a fundemental disregard of planning and Government policy. This is a Material change to the cable route and further highlights the Applicants lack of experience in the UK. The Applicant's unprofessional working relationship and poor communication with the Cottam site owner should not further burden the work load of the Planning Inspectorate or indeed the informed general public who oppose the industrialisation of their countryside with these poor performing and land hungry proposals. With the proposed extra land falling outside the original consultation boundaries means that the public must be informed of the significant impact along Torksey Ferry Road. I respectfully ask that any further hearings must be arranged so all affected can attend and they are not just held virtually. Thank you.