
Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1 to 25 of 120 representations, newest first.

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  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    Morgan Offshore Wind Project will be located in the Irish Sea, approximately 37km from the north west coast of England. This offshore location is beyond the remit of the Environment Agency, and we... Read more


    The proposal's: Socio-economic and supply chain impact. Its impact on navigation.

  • The Crown Estate (The Crown Estate)

    The Crown Estate requests to be registered as an Interested Party in the examination of the Morgan Offshore Wind Farm. Our interest in the project is that Morgan Offshore Wind Limited holds an... Read more


    NATS have been engaged with the applicant pre-submission and have concerns regarding the impact to our radar infrastructure which carries the risk of degrading our ability to provide a safe and... Read more

  • Stena Line Ltd (Stena Line Ltd)

    Stena line operates six passenger and freight RoRo vessels in this area on three separate routes. We have engaged with the developers of the project from the outset and have submitted a commentary on... Read more

  • Fylde Borough Council (Fylde Borough Council)

    As a local authority where the proposal is expected to land its power the council will have a range of interests in the project

  • Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond (Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond)

    Dear Sir / Madam, We refer to the above application for development consent. Trinity House is the General Lighthouse Authority for England, Wales, the Channel Islands and Gibraltar with powers... Read more

  • BAE Systems Marine Limited (BAE Systems Marine Limited)

    Wind turbines cause an obstruction on the approach to Walney Aerodrome for inbound/departing aircraft

  • Maritime and Coastguard Agency (Maritime and Coastguard Agency)

    MCA will be responding to the ExA on matters concerning the safety of maritime navigation and maritime Search and Rescue. MCA will provide comments on the Navigation Risk Assessment, Shipping &... Read more

  • Ralph Cairns

    The collateral disruption caused by the proposed route is not justified. The disruption to the community as a whole which has had years of threats of fracking is life changing for the residents of... Read more

  • West Coast Sea Products Ltd (West Coast Sea Products Ltd)

    Similar to the Mona project which we recently registered our representation, we stand to be significantly impacted by the proposed windfarm. This is since we have harvested Queen and King Scallops... Read more

  • Caroline Whalley-Hunter

    I am a concerned resident within the Fylde Council area

  • Lin Jarrett

    This project includes corridors to on shore. As the on shore route has not been disclosed and there I are objections to the proposed routes, I believe that this should be seen as a whole. The DCO... Read more

  • Nick Moore

    As a local reasident, I am appalled by the fact that this propject will destroy a large swathe of the countryside near me, for absolutely NO local gain whatever. Heavy traffic will massively increase... Read more

  • Jonathan Mark Wilde

    This element should not be part of this DCO - "A separate development consent order is being sought for the transmission assets required to convey the electricity generated by the wind turbine... Read more

  • Northern Ireland Fish Producers' Organisation (Northern Ireland Fish Producers' Organisation)

    NIFPO is an organisation representing the commercial fishing industry who are active in the proposed site. Our specific interest in this site is with regard to concerns about displacement and the... Read more

  • Scottish Fishermen's Federation (SFF) (Scottish Fishermen's Federation (SFF))

    To comment on the impacts of the proposed project/development on 'Fish and Shellfish', 'Commercial Fisheries', 'Shipping and Navigation' including the 'Fisheries Liaison and Co-Existence Plan'.

  • Scottish Pelagic Fishermen's Association (Scottish Pelagic Fishermen's Association)

    We have two member vessels that operate in this sea basin that may be impacted by these developments. Our principle concerns are around impact on fishing activity, navigation and the potential... Read more

  • Scottish Whitefish Producers Association (Scottish Whitefish Producers Association)

    A number of vessels within the SWFPA have enormous fishing interests in the area of development, predominantly Queen Scallops. This fishery is one of the most important Queen Scallop beds in Europe if... Read more

  • Yvonne Russell

    Farmer/landowner and property, privately owned - yet to be advised on impact of this project to the address - financially, practically, lifestyle, etc

  • Blackpool Airport (Blackpool Airport)

    Safeguarding the operation of aircraft in and around Blackpool Airport, and the impact of the works on the operation.

  • Marine Management Organisation (Marine Management Organisation)

    Dear Planning Inspectorate, Due to the length of our response and the available word count in this box, the Marine Management Organisation will be emailing our Relevant Representation and Principle... Read more

  • Isle of Man Steam Packet Company (Isle of Man Steam Packet Company)

    Impacts on the Isle of Man lifeline ferry service to the island. Safe navigation and operational impacts posed by the windfarm project.

  • Alwyn clayton

    Distance to schools& homes / farming & wildlife , excess HGV traffic in construction all departmental to environment

  • Hilary Margaret Angus

    The Fylde is an area of rural, greenbelt, agricultural, coastal, greenbelt and urban landscapes.The potential damage and destruction caused by the construction and installation of the proposed onshore... Read more