Rivenhall IWMF and Energy Centre Examination timetable

The examination timetable shows the dates of events and deadlines for submissions.

If you have registered to have your say, you can do this in the examination stage.

The examination stage

The examination opened on 9 April 2024

The examination is expected to close on 9 October 2024

Have your say

Upcoming deadlines and events

9 July 2024 - Deadline 4


Deadline 4 (D4)

For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Responses to the Examining Authority’s ExQ2 (if ExQ2 is issued)
  • Comments on ExA’s proposed Schedule of Changes to the dDCO (if required)
  • Final SoCG and Statement of Commonality
  • Final Navigation Document/Guide to the application
  • An updated Schedule of Changes to the dDCO
  • Final signed and dated Section 106 Agreement(s) (if required)
  • Comments on any other information and submissions received at D3
  • Any further information requested by the Examining Authority under Rule 17 of the Examination Procedure Rules

23 July 2024 - Deadline 5

Deadline 5 (D5)

For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Comments on responses to the Examining Authority’s ExQ2 (if ExQ2 is issued)
  • Comments on responses to ExA’s proposed Schedule of Changes to the dDCO (if required)
  • Final draft DCO to be submitted by the Applicant in clean, tracked, word versions and in the statutory Instrument (SI) template with the SI template validation report
  • Comments on any other information and submissions received at D4
  • Any further information requested by the Examining Authority under Rule 17 of the Examination Procedure Rules

9 October 2024 - Close of Examination

The ExA is under a duty to complete the Examination of the application by the end of the period of six months.

Please note that the ExA may close the Examination before the end of the six month period if satisfied that all relevant matters have been addressed and discussed.

Past deadlines and events

2 April 2024 - Procedural Decision Deadline A


Procedural Decision Deadline A

For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Confirmation of wish to speak at the Preliminary Meeting including details of which agenda items to discuss

  • Any written submissions about how the application is to be examined and the use of virtual methods

  • Suggested locations for site inspections (Accompanied or Unaccompanied), including justification, for consideration by the ExA

9 April 2024 - Preliminary Meeting


Preliminary Meeting PM

16 April 2024 - Publication by the ExA 1


Publication by the ExA 1:

  • Examining Authority’s Written Questions (ExQ1)

7 May 2024 - Deadline 1


Deadline 1 (D1)

For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Responses to Relevant Representations
  • Written Representations (WR), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words
  • Responses to the Examining Authority’s Written Questions (ExQ1)
  • Local Impact Reports from relevant Local Authorities
  • Statements of Common Ground requested by ExA – see Annex E
  • Applicant’s proposed Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI) itinerary
  • Requests for Open Floor Hearing
  • Comments on any other information and submissions accepted by the ExA
  • Drafts of any necessary S106 Agreement(s)
  • Any other information requested by the Examining Authority under Rule 17 of the Examination Procedure Rules

21 May 2024 - Deadline 2


Deadline 2 (D2)

For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Comments on responses to Relevant Representations
  • Comments on Written Representations
  • Comments on responses to the Examining Authority’s Written Questions (ExQ1)
  • Comments on the Local Impact Reports
  • Comments on Applicant’s proposed Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI) itinerary
  • Progress on Statements of Common Ground and Statement of Commonality
  • An updated version of the draft Development Consent Order (dDCO) in clean, tracked and word versions
  • Schedule of Changes to the dDCO
  • Comments on any other information and submissions received at D1
  • Request to attend Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI)
  • Any other information requested by the Examining Authority under Rule 17 of the Examination Procedure Rules

4 June 2024 - Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1)


Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1)

4 June 2024 - Open Floor Hearing 1 (OFH1)


Open Floor Hearing 1 (OFH1)

6 June 2024 - Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI) 1


Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI) 1

18 June 2024 - Deadline 3


Deadline 3 (D3)

For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Post-hearing submissions, including written summaries of oral submissions to the hearings (if held)
  • Post-hearing submissions requested by the ExA
  • Comments on any other information and submissions received at D2
  • Any further information requested by the Examining Authority under Rule 17 of the Examination Procedure Rules Updates from the Applicant:
  • Statements of Common Ground
  • Statement of Commonality
  • Draft Development Consent Order (dDCO)
  • Explanatory Memorandum
  • Schedule of Changes to dDCO

25 June 2024 - Publication by the ExA 2


Publication by the ExA 2:

  • Second Written Questions (ExQ2) (if required)
  • ExA’s proposed Schedule of Changes to the dDCO (if required)