View examination library (PDF, 780KB) containing document reference numbers
5.2 Consultation Report Appendices Part 4 of 4
(PDF, 17MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
2.3 Street Works, Rights of Way and Access Plans
(PDF, 8MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
7.1.1 Appendix A Policy Compliance Document
(PDF, 1MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
2.1 Location Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 2.12 Typical Switchgear
(PDF, 596KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 7.9 Visualisations 12-18
(PDF, 39MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
4.1 Statement of Reasons
(PDF, 321KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
6.2.4 Environmental Statement Chapter 4 Approach to EIA
(PDF, 236KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 10.3 Solid Geology
(PDF, 4MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 12.3 Network Diagram
(PDF, 214KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 2.10 Typical Inverter, Transformer and BESS arrangement
(PDF, 167KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 2.13 Outline Battery Fire Safety Management Plan (oBFSMP)
(PDF, 614KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 2.4 General Arrangement Panel Area B
(PDF, 558KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 2.8 Outline Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP).
(PDF, 312KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 5.2 Climate Change Resilience Assessment
(PDF, 246KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
7.6 Potential Main Issues for Examination (PMIE)
(PDF, 340KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 7.4 Viewpoint Analysis
(PDF, 18MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 8.1 Historic Environment Desk-based Assessment (HEDBA).
(PDF, 3MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
6.2.8 Environmental Statement Chapter 8 Cultural Heritage and Archaeology
(PDF, 310KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 10.6 Fluvial Flood Risk
(PDF, 5MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 7.5 Non-significant effects
(PDF, 244KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.3 Public Rights of Way
(PDF, 9MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 2.1 Panel Areas
(PDF, 8MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 2.9 Cross-section of a typical fixed solar panel (normal and ballasted)
(PDF, 650KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 11.3 Details of Noise Model
(PDF, 137KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 2.10 Outline Materials Management Plan (MMP)
(PDF, 482KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 10.5 WFD Waterbodies and Catchments
(PDF, 3MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 11.5 Noise Contours Across Area C
(PDF, 3MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 8.1 Historic Environment Desk-based Assessment (HEDBA) - Figures 75-95 (Part 1 of 2)
(PDF, 35MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Statement Figure 8.4 Areas of Known and Potential Archaeology
(PDF, 1MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 2.1 Phase 1 Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Desk Study
(PDF, 8MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 11.6 Noise Contours Across Area D
(PDF, 4MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 8.2 Historic Environment Settings Assessment
(PDF, 15MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
1.3 Byers Gill Solar DCO Application Form Scanned Signed Copy
(PDF, 2MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 11.1 Sensitive Receptor Location Plan
(PDF, 3MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 11.2 Noise Monitoring Data
(PDF, 342KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 8.1 Historic Environment Desk-based Assessment (HEDBA) - Figure 96 (Part 2 of 2)
(PDF, 39MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 12.2 Order Limits and Study Area
(PDF, 12MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 2.19 Environmental Constraints Plan
(PDF, 23MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 7.3 Landscape Sensitivity Analysis
(PDF, 275KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
2.2 Works Plans
(PDF, 5MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
1.2 Introduction to the Application
(PDF, 249KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 7.1 Landscape Context
(PDF, 7MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 8.1 Order Limits, location and non-designated heritage assets
(PDF, 5MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 10.4 Superficial Geology
(PDF, 4MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.5 Agricultural Land Classification
(PDF, 5MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 2.4 Construction Dust Assessment
(PDF, 602KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 7.2 Zone of Theoretical Visibility Study - Panel Areas
(PDF, 17MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 7.5 Landscape Receptors
(PDF, 7MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
5.2 Consultation Report Appendices Part 1 of 4
(PDF, 50MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
7.1 Planning Statement
(PDF, 620KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 13.2 Long List of Committed Developments
(PDF, 719KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 4.1 EIA Scoping Report
(PDF, 14MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 11.2 Noise Monitoring Location Plan
(PDF, 3MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 2.2 General Arrangement Scheme Wide
(PDF, 8MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.4 Community and Recreational Facilities
(PDF, 10MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
6.2.9 Environmental Statement Chapter 9 Land Use and Socioeconomics
(PDF, 948KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 13.3 Short List of Committed Developments
(PDF, 191KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 2.11 Outline Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP)
(PDF, 229KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 2.5 General Arrangement Panel Area C
(PDF, 601KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 10.1 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy
(PDF, 36MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 7.6 Key Settlements
(PDF, 6MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 8.3 Panel Area and Geophysics Areas Concordance
(PDF, 991KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
2.4 Land Plans
(PDF, 4MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 4.3 EIA Scoping Opinion Response Matrix
(PDF, 829KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
1.4 Section 55 Checklist
(PDF, 337KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 11.5 Selection of background levels
(PDF, 363KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
4.3 Funding Statement
(PDF, 5MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
3.2 Explanatory Memorandum
(PDF, 297KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
7.3 Other Consents and Licences
(PDF, 173KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 5.1 Greenhouse Gas Assessment
(PDF, 504KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
6.2.13 Environmental Statement Chapter 13 Cumulative Effects
(PDF, 354KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
6.2.6 Environmental Statement Chapter 6 Biodiversity
(PDF, 409KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
6.1.1 Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary
(PDF, 1MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 8.5 Archaeological Management Strategy
(PDF, 534KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
7.7 Statutory Undertakers Position Statement Issue
(PDF, 1MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 6.1 Designated Sites
(PDF, 2MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 7.3 Zone of Theoretical Visibility Study - Intensity
(PDF, 17MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
6.2.10 Environmental Statement Chapter 10 Hydrology and Flood Risk
(PDF, 405KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
6.2.5 Environmental Statement Chapter 5 Climate Change
(PDF, 512KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
7.5 Grid Connection Statement
(PDF, 144KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 2.18 Typical storage container
(PDF, 656KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 2.20 Landscape Concept Masterplan
(PDF, 11MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
1.3 Byers Gill Solar DCO Application Form Electronic Unsigned Copy
(PDF, 4MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 7.9 Visualisations 26-34
(PDF, 34MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 6.2 Wintering Bird Survey Report
(PDF, 6MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 1.1 Location Plan
(PDF, 11MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 2.8 General Arrangement Panel Area F
(PDF, 617KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 7.9 Visualisations 19-25
(PDF, 38MB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
Adequacy of Consultation Representation
(PDF, 96KB)
From Durham County Council
7.8 Mitigation Route Map
(PDF, 445KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 2.11 Typical Access and Supporting Infrastructure Layout
(PDF, 619KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Figure 2.16 Typical CCTV pole
(PDF, 630KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 2.5 Major Accidents and Disasters Assessment
(PDF, 288KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
Adequacy of Consultation Representation
(PDF, 113KB)
From Darlington Borough Council
- Environmental Statement Appendix 11.1 Noise and Vibration Guidance
(PDF, 168KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 2.7 Outline Decommissioning Environmental Management Plan
(PDF, 258KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
- Environmental Statement Appendix 6.6 BNG Report
(PDF, 918KB)
From RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited
Adequacy of Consultation Representation
(PDF, 116KB)
From Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
Adequacy of Consultation Representation
(PDF, 43MB)
From Darlington County Council