Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by David Alexander Smith

Date submitted
21 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Cumulative effect of multiple Solar power developments in a small area. 1.Gately Moor industrial scale solar power generation. 2.Long Pasture industrial scale solar power generation, 3.Whinfield industrial scale solar power generation, 4.California Farm industrial scale solar power generation, 5.Thorpe Bank industrial scale solar power generation, 6.Low Middlefield industrial scale solar power generation 7.Hunger Hill industrial scale solar power generation 8.Burtree Lane industrial scale solar power generation. All of the above already approved or in operation in a small radius area of 5km. This is before the much larger Byers Gill industrial scale solar power generation is even considered. Changing the whole area from rural and agricultural to Industrial scale power generation. Loss of wildlife habitats for red list endangered species. All I will see on my daily commute is multiple Solar Farms from leaving home to my place of work. There are already multiple wind turbine power developments around the area. Why is this area being so heavily targeted with saturation of renewable energy sources. Massive disruption during a lengthy construction phase. Many roads will be affected. Development ignores many heritage aspects and adversley impacts registered conservation areas. Safety- Battery storage units located close to residential properties and infant Junior school. Loss of huge areas of highly productive arable farmland. Lack of consultation with the community throughout project development phase. I believe this has already been extensively highlighted but appears to have been ignored.