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Representation by Stephen James Wall

Date submitted
21 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The main reason I object to this application is that the land that surrounds the village where the panels are to go is all elevated land and therefore would be a visible eye sore, most solar farms are on low laying ground out of sight and out of mind but this would surround both Bishopton and Great Stainton Bishopton is also a conservation area and therefore should not be industrialised this way All the land in this area has been agricultural land for millennia and at a time where the government are encouraging the U.K to produce our own crops this would put a massive dent in that target. It would seriously affect our pollinating insects alot of the fields are planted with rape seed and the flowers of this are like heroin for bees and the wild flower perimeters that are proposed would not equate to this loss Many residents have spent there life savings moving to our picturesque village only for them to be surrounded by a large scale solar farm which would no doubt devalue properties and infact make them difficult to sell at all My family have lived in the village since the 1500s and it would be rape of the natural landscape if this application was given the go ahead A large section of the site backs directly onto the village primary school where the sub station is also proposed to be as well The roads around the village are narrow with many bends and are already full of dangerous pot holes they cannot cope with the amount of wagons turning in and out and up and down the roads also covering them with mud like they have 4 miles up the road at the Braffertom site. The communication from the applicant has been very poor and underhanded throughout the consultation period it is my opinion that they do not care about the residents are rural landscape or even green energy they only care about money The national grid cannot even cope with the amount of energy from the solar farms and apparently most of them would not even be in use The leveling up secretary supported our campaign to have this application denied in the house of commons when asked by Stockton MP Matt Vickers JBM claimed they had amended the application after reading our feedback when infact they changed it because 1 land owner pulled out by choice Basically knowbody wants this application to go ahead and I hope the correct decision is made to reject the application Many thanks