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Representation by Alex Swainston

Date submitted
21 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The village of Brafferton is very small with one road in and out the roads are narrow with lots of on street parking. The village aesthetically is beautiful and has lots of old buildings dating back to 1600s. There are several working farms here and 2 liveries here so horses and farm animals are often in village (regular sheep drive through village right up the lane passed Lovesome farm). The surrounding countryside is beautiful and well used by equestrians, dog walkers, hikers, children on bikes and most of the residents of the village. To even consider a solar farm of this size here is ludicrous. Access would be a nightmare the village green and roads would not take many large vehicles and will probably be damaged, cars would struggle to pass and the lane up to lovesome farm where much of this solar farm will be, will be inaccessible there are no turning points for vehicles and residents of Lovesome will have difficulty getting in and out. The farmland here is arable working land that has been worked for 100s of years! The noise will be unbearable during construction we can already hear the nearby whinfield solar farm panels being put in and thats over a mile away! Im extremely concerned about wildlife and the memtal health of residents who enjoy this peaceful rural setting and all it offers. Im concerned about crime given cabling etc is of high value and there is evidence of increasing thefts of solar farm materials...with this will there be high security fencing? Rather than wildlife friendly fencing? The area in question is on public rights of way and in fact in the book 'Britains Best Walks' quite an achievement! im extremely concerned this will be lost forever. There is not one positive i can say about this given solar farms have such low efficency and there are so many new builds solar could go on rooftops etc rather thsn industrialise our countryside and food producing land. In addition much of our local countryside has already been built on in Farlingtons borough indeed some 3000 plus more himes planned across the equally beautiful Skerningham Woodland which can be walked to across the Ketton farmland of Brafferton so all would practically be lost. The sheer size of this proposal beyond Brsfferton to our neighbouring villages of Bishopton etc makes a relatively small Borough of famland swamped by solar destroying several rural and historical villages.