Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Edna Wall

Date submitted
24 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have lived in the village since the 1960s and I object to the solar farm being built I love on a street in Bishopton the will have the worse views of the panels The land around the village is all elevated land on slopes and embankments and therefore the panels will be visible all around where as other solar panel projects are on low laying land away from villages where they cannot be seen so this is not fair on any of the residents to have to put up with this monstrosity all of whom do not want this to go ahead It is proposed the the solar farm backs directly on to the village primary school and village playground as well where the battery station will be as well I am deeply concerned about the affect this will have on agricultural in the local area a lot of the land owners lease out the field to other farmers so those farmers could face financial ruin as well as the crops not being grown anymore which the government themselves say we need to grow more of our own crops in the UK And then there is the wildlife to consider, Bishopton is a conservation area with many animals habits and food sources about to vanish if this development goes ahead The traffic disruption as well will be horrific our narrow winding country roads will not be able to cope with the amount of lorries that will have to access them and would be an accident waiting to happen if this goes ahead The value of people's properties is bound to plumit as well as who in there right mind would want to live in a village engulfed by solar panels this is a historic picturesque village and all I ask is that you please consider the little people who live in and around the village and who would have to live with it day in day out for the next 40 years Thank you