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Representation by Paul Mason

Date submitted
25 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have solar panels so my objection is not about the technology / progress / necessity. I believe that this project is flawed on a number of grounds. Firstly, this is UK land being developed by a foreign company. At least encourage investment that will support local jobs and the exchequer. Secondly, covering farming land, which could be used for crops/cattle is totally against its environmental credentials in that it will likely cause flooding issues (run of and lack of vegetation to use rainfall) and also drive the necessity to move crops/cattle by road/sea to fulfil demand. Not to mention the impact on incumbent wild-life, birds, insects etc, Thirdly, ongoing erosion of farming jobs/growth makes us increasingly dependant on imports (and the environmental damage therein). Fourthly, mass swathes of land locally is being built on for housing (Yarm Back Lane, Allans West to name but 2 and are acres and acres in size). This open space is already lost to buildings - non of which are built with solar panels in them which would delivery a massive solar footprint effectively for free?