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Representation by David Clark

Date submitted
25 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to object and make representation for the following reasons: 1. Land use: Solar farms require large amounts of land to generate a significant amount of electricity. This lead’s to the loss of agricultural land and natural habitats, which can have negative impacts on local ecosystems and biodiversity. 2. Visual impact: Solar farms can be visually intrusive, particularly if they are large or located in scenic areas like Ketton Country . They detract from the natural beauty of the area and being surrounded by high security fences and CCTV its like having outdoor prison camps in our beautiful countryside. 3. Maintenance and upkeep: Solar panels require regular maintenance and cleaning to operate at peak efficiency. This can be costly and time-consuming, particularly for large-scale solar farms. 4. Noise: Some solar farms use cooling systems that will produce noise, which can be a concern for nearby residents and wildlife. 5. Glare: In some cases, solar panels can reflect sunlight and create glare that can be a nuisance for nearby residents or drivers on nearby roads. 6. Cost: While solar energy is becoming increasingly cost-competitive with traditional sources of electricity, the upfront cost of building and installing solar farms are expensive and environmentally damaging. 7. Local opposition: Solar farms will face opposition from local residents who object to their presence in their community, or who have concerns about the potential impacts on property values or quality of life.