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Representation by Peter Lawrence Wood

Date submitted
26 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This is a huge ,widely dispersed project across a very large area & surrounding a number of picturesque & conservation listed villages. The combination of this project in conjunction with others already constructed , being constructed , awaiting construction after being passed for planning or in the process of finalising the planning process, leads to completely unacceptable levels of cumulative clutter that will affect the lives & lifestyle amenity for the many residents of this large area. The project is consuming many valuable hectares of productive farmland ,reducing the UK”s food security massively , especially when included with other projects in the country as a whole.The applicants have paid scant attention to the quality of agricultural land around the area , dismissing it as substantially grade 3b, when local farming knowledge shows that much of the land to be developed is of very good crop producing quality & that it should be retained as such for future food production. The European Union have concluded that the Uk & the North East particularly are very poor areas to site solar farms . Our very northern latitudes means that our climate is not conducive to efficient power generation , & at the very times that this country needs power in the winter our northern skies are normally cloud covered & rain soaked ,so power production is impossible. For the above & many other reasons that I’m sure you will be made aware of , this projected should be refused planning permission.