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Representation by Mary Angela Wood

Date submitted
27 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a resident of Bishopton I wish to object to this proposal on the following grounds- Too close to residential area, plans show that these solar panels will be situated directly next to our village school and playground and also within sight of houses. Bishopton is classed as a Conservation Area and has listed buildings and a heritage site ie. Castle Hill. How can it now be turned into an industrial estate? The land around the area has been flourishing with crops for hundreds of years and still is. The country cannot loose valuable arable land when we need to be ‘food secure’ This area welcomes visitors on walks, bike rides and as a holiday destination. Local businesses will be greatly affected if visitors are put off by the creation of such a mass of black glass replacing their beautiful view. I and any visiting family often walk the local lane, Mill Lane in particular, for the peace and beauty of our surroundings and other locals do the same while walking dogs or just as a means of getting a peaceful break from the stresses of life. The lane can often become a meeting place for locals to chat and pass the time of day. This unfortunately would be taken away from us after the land is turned into an industrial site with panels and battery storage units. The mental health of our residents, especially the elderly and those living on their own would be greatly affected. I am aware that the efficiency of the production of electricity from Solar panels is as low as 12%, is that worth covering our area in black glass. There are already many plans for other Solar Farms in surrounding area, some have been passed, others are already installed, the cumulative effect would be extreme and must be taken into consideration.