Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Lynsey Oman

Date submitted
29 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed Byers Gill Site C, D, E and F and the small section south of Coal -Bank will completely surround the village of Bishopton which is a conservation area. 6 sites is approaching 2000 acres of arable land resulting in a loss of fertile farmland. During construction daily there will be a large number of HGVs on a minor road network massive concerns for the villagers with nose pollution and traffic problems this will impact our health. The pretty English village that everyone that live here prides ourself to have a pretty village you will destroy with a sea of solar panels. The once green rolling inclines will be stood with metal structures, why can you not have a North Sea wind turbine as research shows they are more efficient? Why are we not • protect and enhance landscapes, biodiversity, geology and soils • recognise soils as a natural capital asset that provide important ecosystem services • consider the economic and other benefits of BMV agricultural land, and try to use areas of poorer quality land instead of higher quality land • prevent soil, air, water, or noise pollution, or land instability from new and existing development