Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by John Peter Lyne

Date submitted
1 April 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm. In case I cannot subsequently add to this my main point are: As I understand any large infrastructure project such as this requires local support which this project quite clearly does not. The use of the word “farm” is objectionable - it is a solar power plant and represents industrialisation of a rural location. There are multiple brown field sites for such developments. Why are solar panels (as we have ourselves) not located on roofs of all factories and the massive number of new houses currently being built or planned in this area. We are already unable to provide and grow our own food in the uk. Removing this productive land, as I understand over 1200 acres within 4km of Bishopton already approved, will only add to the greenhouse gas burden with increasing food miles. I moved to a rural area, paid a premium and accepted less local facilities. I pay extra for my electric standing order for electricity- evidently it costs more to get electric to our area unlike city centres. There will be not local benefit to our fuel costs and if the above is correct then surely it costs more to generate and export electricity form this area! It cannot cut both ways. The cumulative effect is unfair - 8 solar power stations ready approved. My north facing window and garden already sees the 4 Lambs Hill turbines and the multiple Butterwick Turbines. This project would add solar panels and the noise and light pollution of the access road, [REDACTED] and due to the elevation impossible to screen with a hedge which the developers naively seem to claim. The developers claim, especially if the cable runs behind the village, to disruption - how can this be? There will be heavy wagons all day long coming through narrow country roads. The access road will be used constantly despite claims they will stop at 6pm. Even once the development is complete it will need constant maintenance via this road [REDACTED]. Offshore wind turbines are more efficient and each turbine needs 200 acres of equivalent solar panels. What a ridiculous state of affairs. The output quoted will never be achieved. This is the north of the uk! This is not Nimbiism. We have our fair share - should not the south and the Home Counties take their share where it is sunnier. How can this area in the rural north east have the largest concentration of solar panels in Europe. This drive for net zero and the expense of destroying a local community and removing let’s face it perfectly productive farmland is counter productive. The RWE home page shows sheep grazing under the panels - frankly misleading and wouldn’t pass advertising standards. No sheep farmer would graze sheep in such conditions. Wild flowers will not grow as the soil is far too fertile and trying to grow grass will be shielded. Flooding as already an issue in this area and this project will add to this. Sensitive wildlife will be destroyed. The amenity areas are laughable. Who wants to walk up a road and sit in a solar panel farm. Outrageous it’s so close to a school. Short term is defined as 40 years. That’s a lifetime for me and possibly my children.