Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Wendy Louise Franklin

Date submitted
5 April 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Re Byers Gill Solar Development will be totally detrimental to the incredible different species of wildlife that live and co habit on the proposed site. There is a wildlife pond which will be within 15m of the panels and within 200m of the on site substation the pond is spring fed and is absolutely full to the brim full of fish - herons, coots, swallows swooping, moorhens, geese, swans, ducks, barn owls, bats at dusk, sparrow hawks, buzzards - the list is endless - dragon flies, foxes, bumble bees all living in the habitat nearby The site is home to many many different species of wildlife and insects and major consideration should be given to the impact on all this wildlife and insects once the construction phase begins so close to their habitats driving many from their current habitats due to the close proximity of the piling equipment and huge construction machinery from the continuous noise and vibration and also following the construction of high deer fencing around every field many will end up being trapped in corridors resulting in them being very vunerable to predators and poachers the latter of which is already a major issue in the area. This development will totally alter the environment and the local landscape for ever and must not be allowed to happen - the whole massive area is a haven for lots of wildlife and must be protected for the wildlife to be able to live and exist as they have done for many many generations and for future generations to enjoy. The area should be protected so that the many many different species of animals and insects can thrive and prosper not to mention the many different species of birds that also live there and also on the water - it would be a total disaster to alter this natural landscape and haven for wildlife.