Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Mr Nicholas Freeman

Date submitted
5 April 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I support the Byers Gill Solar Farm proposal. We need to be accepting the difficult challenge of generating a much greater proportion of renewable energy whilst also supporting and providing tangible benefits to the communities that are affected by this type of development. Other than sustainable energy, further environmental benefits can be realised in tandem with solar PV installation which supports growth of wild grass and wild flower meadows as well as opportunities for grazing and improving amenity areas that can be enjoyed by local residents. Whilst this may not be the case at Byers Gill, we have allowed arable areas to be set aside for environmental benefits and payed landowners for doing so when such land can be put to better use (and presumably the landowners at Byers Gill agree). Development of these areas provides the opportunity to improve land drainage and permeability to help alleviate field flooding issues. I disagree that this remote corner where Stockton-on-Tees, Darlington and County Durham local authorities converge should see a proliferation of solar arrays and wind turbines when there are probably suitable development areas elsewhere within these Authorities, however there will likely be objections wherever these are proposed and promoted, and suspect that most valid reasons for an objection are weaponised in the name of NIMBYs. I enjoy using the local facilities in and around Bishopton and the improvement to rights of way and access routes will hopefully improve this further. I live within sight and sound of the Lambs Hill Wind Farm close to Stillington and have no doubt been affected their construction and operation, but nevertheless the benefits outweight the losses. If a similar solar scheme was proposed in the area of Stillington I would broadly agree with it going ahead, and would expect any objections to be properly considered on merit, not on feeling. Ultimately I expect those representing the area to have a credible view on issues that best serves the broader environment and economy, and not just a few surrounding villages.