Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Peter Stephens

Date submitted
7 April 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly and unequivocally object to the Byers Gill Solar development. My objections stem from grave concerns regarding the irreversible damage it will inflict upon the environment, the loss of wildlife habitats, and the conversion of valuable agricultural land. However, my primary objection lies in the egregious inaccuracies and misleading representations throughout the JBM documentation, particularly concerning our property. My wife and I have been longstanding residents of Great Stainton, with decades of investment in our property, [Redacted]. Despite this, JBM's documentation erroneously refers to our property as Hawthorne House, demonstrating a clear lack of attention to detail. Moreover, their depiction of the proposed panel areas surrounding our property in Document Environmental Statement Appendix 7.6 Residential Visual Amenity Assessment RVAA is woefully inaccurate and fails to acknowledge the true extent of the impact on our property. Furthermore, JBM's characterization of our property's amenities is misleading and demonstrates a lack of thorough research. The description of our garden as "small" belies its true scale, which includes extensive landscaping, mature trees, and an orchard. Similarly, their assertion of "limited visibility from the house" starkly contradicts the panoramic views enjoyed from our property, which include vistas of the Tees Valley and the Cleveland Hills. JBM's misrepresentation extends to the construction phase, where they downplay the visual and auditory disruption that will occur. Their dismissal of our concerns during meetings further exacerbates our distress, particularly as we grapple with the impending upheaval to our tranquil rural existence. In light of these inaccuracies and dismissals, JBM's conclusion that the proposed development will have minimal impact is preposterous. The cumulative effect of their negligence and the looming development has already taken a toll on our mental well-being, with sleeplessness and constant worry becoming constant companions. The prospect of living in the shadow of industrial infrastructure only compounds our anguish, highlighting the urgent need for our objections to be taken seriously and the development to be refused.