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Representation by Dawn Marie Tweddall

Date submitted
7 April 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I STRONGLY OBJECT TO BYERS GILL INDUSTRIAL SITE This project has no benefit to the local community whatsoever. We have been hoodwinked into believing that this project will be a benefit to our community/ villages .When we were first told of the plans in process for this project Great Stainton , Little Stainton and Bishopton were appalled at the audacity of the people in the south, who thought it was acceptable to move in on our countryside, on our outlook and destroy the beautiful land and wildlife we look at and are grateful for each day. We have been consistently told of your agronomists findings that the land is not a prime agricultural land. This is absolute nonsense as it’s been farmed as I write this email. A local agronomist who works for our local farmers has consistently disagreed with your report. This report has been written by “your expert for your project”! We’ve seen in the plans that designated areas will be created in order to preserve wildlife. Why should wildlife be dictated on which gate they choose to build their homes ?These gates will be an ideal access for the poaches and the wildlife will be easy bait for the dogs to wade and tear them to bits. Each day I wake up and I see a different animal a different bird. It’s a site that I’m grateful for each day. When I bought my house it was bought for that very reason . I look onto a view which no amount of money could buy and I hoped this would be the place where I would spend the rest of my life. However, now I realise that I’ve taken it for granted and the fat cats who want to earn billions destroying peoples lives have no thought or consideration for us, and how we might feel having these eyesores in our sites every day . Photographs have been produced and apparently show no disruption to my outlook. However I welcome those people to come and take photographs in my house and take a good look at what my view will be each day.The current project at Whinfield solar plant is currently ongoing and it has no houses in close proximity Our house is sitting next to it .The roads are a constant mud path. There are more potholes now than before the project started and it looks a complete eye sore .The amount of wagons going up and down that road causes chaos throughout the day and there has been several near misses when cars have collided. The metal temporary fencing that are on the roadside has blown down several times again, causing cars to swerve and miss each other and we have no doubt that there will be an accident. Great Stainton is a village of beauty .Its a small village and the very thought of dozens and dozens of wagons driving through each day for months and months is a daunting experience. Great Stainton, residents will not and should not have to tolerate the constant noise of heavy traffic and your people disrupting our quiet daily lives .[REDACTED]the very thought that I will have no sleep during the day, because of the noise disturbance is already causing me anxiety and I am now thinking if I need to look for other employment leaving the job I have done for 30 years because if I don’t sleep then I cannot carry out my role as a [REDACTED] looking after acutely ill children. We are fully aware that the governments concept of producing the solar farms in mass population is to better our planets and conserve what we have left and I agree with a certain extent, however, not at the expense of our mental health and our financial wealth. Why Solar Farms ? Why not WindTurbines . We are a village that is already surrounded by several wind turbines and they are not unsightly and do not disturb us and considering we live in the north-east, we have more wind than sunshine. we are all well aware should we ever decide to sell our house when we are older and want to downsize we will without any doubt be out of pocket. recent surveys and audits, sure housing in areas where there are solar panel project in close proximity, lose their value by 15% or more. We will continue as a united front and fight for this project, not to go ahead. We are aware of only two people in a radius of 5 mile who agree to this project whilst the People in the bigger community closer to our town are also briefed at how this project has even been considered in the first place, and I feel it is criminal .