Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Dennis Palfreeman

Date submitted
8 April 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The above Byers Gill Solar Factory should not be allowed to proceed fir many reasons, being:- The visual effect of such an installation destroying the character of the area. The destruction of wildlife habitats, woodlands, ponds and steams. The loss of valuable agricultural land, in a time of need to be self sufficient in food production. We should not be dependent upon imported foodstuffs, which may be subject to enormous carbon footprint issues. It is doubtful that the land could never be brought back into its original state due to chemical contamination from the processes used by the solar factories. The proximity of the sited panels are invasive to resident's dwellings and the quiet rural existence which we currently enjoy. The roads and carriageways leading to our homes are totally inadequate to accommodate both the initial construction traffic and the resulting, ongoing, maintenance traffic. The loss of value of our homes, and being surrounded on all sides by the solar panel project, eyesore. The loss of agricultural livelihoods, whose employment will be surplus to requirements due to 2,000+ acres of prime arable land being taking away from crop production. The village of Great Stainton, where I live, is subject to a proposal to install and surround it with solar panels via "The Byers Gill Solar Development". There are numerous reasons as why this project should not go ahead, already described by the previous plethora of objectors and negative comments from others, regarding this project, but perhaps not enough attention has been given to the uncertainty, anxiety and mental state of the residents. If this project does go ahead then the value of our properties will decrease dramatically, because our homes will be situated in the centre of what effectively is a giant mirror. Who would want to move into a home, in our historic village, as beautiful as it currently is, living alongside this? Our home in the village, of over 50 years, is currently on the market as health reasons require us to relocate nearer to our son and his family, but we have not had a viewing from a prospective buyer for 8 months, which is not a coincidence since this "Byers Gill" project gathered pace. I believe that two other residents of the parish have recently decided to sell but cannot get an estate agent to visit to give a valuation, because of the uncertainty which surrounds this project. Please do the right thing, favour "the little man", and reject this proposal as totally the wrong place to site such a project.