Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Joyce Ross Mitchell

Date submitted
9 April 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the proposed Byers Gill Solar development, as it will have a profoundly adverse effect on the daily lives of numerous local residents in the surrounding villages of Bishopton, Carlton, Redmarshall, Whitton, Stillington, Sadberge, Great Stainton, and Little Stainton. As a resident in the area, the transformation of our rural environment into an solar power plant is unacceptable and within the affected communities there is unanimous opposition to the proposals. The number of solar farms in this area will be overwhelming. There are already eight developments either approved, in operation, or under construction—namely Gately Moor, Longpasture, Whinfield, Letch Lane, Thorpe Bank, Low Middelfield Farm, Burtree Lane, and Hunger Hill Farm, the cumulative impact of such vast areas of glass and metal plus high fences, batteries and a substation will change this area for ever. Byers Gill, on top of the developments already approved, will create an industrial landscape. RWE's documentation however dismisses outright any consideration of cumulative effects, stating it is not an issue. The Byers Gill Solar development represents a grave threat to the quality of life and well-being of local residents. The lack of consultation by RWE, coupled with the disregard for cumulative effects, highlights an application with little regard for the consequences to local people and to the environment. I am a supporter of the move to green energy and the fight against climate change however not at any cost. I urge the Planning Inspectorate to reject outright this ill-conceived project and prioritise the interests and concerns of our communities and agricultural heritage.