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Representation by Adele Bayliss

Date submitted
16 April 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I feel the sheer size of this project will be detrimental to the area of open countryside outlined for this project. It is ironic that you cannot get planning to build a house in this area to preserve the ‘open countryside’, but planning has been granted for a mass of steel and solar panels that will completely decimate the beauty of the village it will surround. The visual impact of this scheme in this rural area will have a massive detrimental effect on the character of the local environment. There are many brown field sites locally that would be much more suitable. Research suggests that the large scale land clearing required for these sites can negatively impact local wildlife and vegetation. The areas outlined are home to an array of local wildlife, particularly deer, which I have seen on this land on numerous occasions from my property. When their usual routes are blocked it is a concern they may stray onto roads, causing a danger to drivers and themselves.