Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Jayne Robins

Date submitted
17 April 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to the Byers Gill Solar Power Station, the impact of which will be utterly devastating to the lovely conservation village of Bishopton and surrounding villages. The totally unreasonable and vast concentration of proposed solar farm developments, coupled with those already approved is beyond ridiculous, with zero consideration being given to the disruption, concerns, anxieties, worries and impact on the health and wellbeing of local residents - and I do not say this lightly. Nobody is disputing the need for renewable energy, but surely there is a more sensible and logical solution than utilising valuable arable farmland (when the Government is well aware the UK is facing food shortages and rising food prices due to global problems) and turning it into a huge industrial power station development? Surely North Sea offshore wind turbines, which have minimal impact on people, farming land and the landscape, would be a far more efficient and effective solution? Alternatively, could I please ask why serious consideration has not been given to the use of brownfield sites or utilising the roofs of large scale industrial units? Is it simply a matter of it being far cheaper, and thus more profitable, for the developers and their stakeholders to rent agriculture land regardless of the impact on the countryside and local residents? On a personal note, during a home visit [Redacted] (March 2023), when there was confusion over the ownership of the land attached to our property (JBM thinking it belonged to [Redacted]). I raised a direct question with [Redacted], asking did he think the development of a solar farm so close to a rural village would go ahead, his response to my Husband and I was “Yes, the Government would not be throwing this amount of money at consultation if the project was not going ahead.” I would be extremely grateful to have it confirmed officially that this was indeed the case and whether public consultation was simply a box-ticking exercise and the project was always a fait accompli? Also, despite trying to raise this issue with JBM/RWE, no consideration, understanding or thought has been given to the fact that ‘area F’ backs straight onto our horses turnout paddocks. The paddocks are enclosed with post and rail fences, however, the development and subsequent decommissioning stages will cause considerable disruption and fear to our animals, which when in flight can become dangerous to handlers or worse they could break through the fencing straight into the industrial site. When I raised this at the residents’ consultation event (May 2023), the [Redacted] landscape architect smirked and shrugged, totally dismissing my concerns. Then after further discussion agreeing that they could consider planting hedgerow whips, but stating these would take 15-years to mature. Can I ask if you would consider this an adequate solution?! Including my own, they are 11 equine facilities in and immediately around Bishopton Village, and yet no consultation or consideration has been given to the fact that horses will not react well to the massive intrusion caused by noise, increase in heavy traffic, construction of the development and the glint and glare from solar panels. I again raised this at the residents’ consultation event, however, no concern, empathy or understanding was forthcoming regarding the safety of horses and their riders. Could I, therefore, ask for consideration and a response to be given to this genuine concern please? During consultation, no mention or details of the batteries or battery storage units was made. We subsequently discovered that these are also proposed to be sited in the fields adjoining our paddocks (together with a site access roadway!). Can I please ask what arrangements/protections have been made in the event of a fire and explosion in the solar farm? Also, how the thermal runaway from lithium-ion batteries will be controlled so as not to contaminate my horses grazing paddocks and indeed how they will mitigate any danger, both to health and property, to my family and other residents? Surely it is unthinkable that consideration should be given to the destruction and desecration of our beautiful Village, the gorgeous views and fertile farmland, not to mention the impact and displacement of vast numbers of precious wildlife, mammals, birds and insects? Please, I urge you to take seriously the concerns raised by all of the residents of Bishopton Village and surrounding villages - Thank you