Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Mrs Ann Taylor

Date submitted
24 April 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I most Strongly object to the proposed construction of an industrial sized solar farm, Byers Gill site will encompass the whole of the small rural village of Bishopton. The site will sit on 2000 acres of PRIME agricultural farm land with soil that is within the top ratings for agricultural use, why aren’t we growing crops to support food sustainability in our own country? I understand that the first 25cm of prime topsoil will be removed to facilitate the erection of solar panel Again I ask why are we destroying acres of prime agricultural land? Not just this site but within a range of 5km there are another 8 projects either under construction in operation or already approved. Byers Gill proposal being the largest and probably one of the largest in the country. There has been no consideration given to the fact that Bishopton has a conservation status and of historic value and the surrounding land is rich in biodiversity and beauty Just the fact we are close to a sub station mean we are a target for exploitation shortest route cheapest, Roads servicing the village are twisting, winding and already in a deplorable condition verges are destroyed and riddled with potholes which fill with water and the exit and entry roads of which there are five ( plus a single track road with restrictions) can all be un passable on occasions due to flooding from the field. The road are already hazadous to drive because people move to the middle of the road there are no markings. They are totally unsuitable for HGV and increased site traffic should this proposal go ahead. Local residents concerns are not been listened to, there has been a lack of communication One meeting in the village hall with the community one on a market stall in Stockton which when people turned up JBM had left early. Supposedly a door to door survey I saw NO ONE. The proposed project will have a detrimental impact on the village both during the construction period and after. The visual effect of the fencing, floodlights, panels, noise from batteries storage, the close proximity to the village school and residential property even the designated playing field. Are all good reason why this should project should not happen. The cumulative effect of our village and other areas of natural beauty being covered in solar panel will have a massive impact on my wellbeing I moved to this village to escape the damage and dismal effect quarrying was having on the countryside, communities and on my health I do not want to commute down country lanes looking at high fencing and solar farms There are far more suitable location where the erection of these sites or alternative production of solar would have less impact on people’s lives and properties. I understand the need for sustainable energy solutions but I feel the use of prime agricultural land is wrong In 25 + years we are left with 2600 + acres of underground cabling solar panels and degraded land. I can see the North East becoming the dumping ground of solar