Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Louise Macphail

Date submitted
1 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am registering my objection to the proposed Byers Gill Solar Development. I used to live in Bishopton and have recently considered moving back to the village with my husband and children. However, the proposed solar development at Byers Gill, which would surround the village, has made us decide that Bishopton would not be a suitable location for our family to live. Such a high concentration of solar energy development in a rural area will have long-term and cumulative adverse impacts, namely: • The irreversible loss of farming land and agricultural activity is a huge issue and one that is of personal interest too, as my family have farmed land in the area for generations. Rather than misusing rich and fertile agricultural land for solar energy production, such a development should be installed on alternative industrial/brownfield sites around the UK. Siting a huge solar development on valuable agricultural land at Byers Gill will have a detrimental impact on farming, soil health and food security. This refers to section 2.10.29 of the National Policy Statement for Renewable Energy Infrastructure (EN-3) which confirms that brownfield sites, contaminated land and industrial land should be preferred for development rather than higher quality agricultural land. • Such a high concentration of solar development in the immediate vicinity, so close to village life, will have significant adverse effects on local residents, visitors to the area and local hospitality businesses. The adverse visual impact of a vast solar development encircling Bishopton village is significant and cannot be overlooked. The cumulative effect of the proposed solar development will destroy the rural landscape and amenity value of Bishopton village. • Bishopton is served by a minor road network therefore the impact of construction traffic noise and disturbance will be significant for local residents who place high value on their quiet and rural location.