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Representation by Christine Tinkler

Date submitted
1 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I totally object to the size of this project the inefficiency of solar farms and their high carbon foot print the proximity to the local communities The use of good viable farm land that should be used for food production and damaging the structure of the soil and insects vital to our eco system the creation of a huge industrial site making a green area into a brown site The flooding from Site E on the Folly bank road which is bound to occur The loss of habitat for birds(particularly sky larks) and mammals etc. The destruction of our conservation area which we have strived to protect by only allowing development within our boundaries. Taking away the open views we currently enjoy as we are able to walk on lanes leading from our village Bishopton whilst demoralising our community. The proposed battery system is unsafe Hedges and trees take time to establish and no amount of wild flower areas will replace the open views of countryside that you propose to destroy Wind turbines are proven to be far more efficient and have a much lower footprint Solar panels should be compulsory on new builds and business given an incentive to install them on their buildings and car parks I say No to this project which will devastate our community, disrupt our narrow lanes and could damage protected trees and properties.