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Representation by Kathryn Cunnington-Shore

Date submitted
2 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I believe this to be an inappropriate development in the countryside (Bishopton and surrounding areas) with a negative visual impact and loss of good agricultural land; crops have been growing on the land ever since I came to the village 23 years ago. The noise associated with the development has not been fully considered and is not acceptable in this small village with many elderly residents and a village primary school. Constant access will be required to the village meaning a much increased level of construction vehicles delivering tons of building materials (equipment from fencing to solar panels and numerous components for the build, causing noise from pile drivers, diggers etc, etc) on unsuitable narrow village roads. The proposed build site is a habitat for badgers, foxes and hares and is a deer corridor. There is an abundance of field mice, voles, weasels and owls; game birds and buzzards frequent the proposed site. It will have a negative impact on flaura, fauna, lichen and fungi. It is a habitat for butterflies, bees, insects and reptiles. It will cause stress to wildlife and will also be detrimental to the trees and hedgerows on the proposed land. Within the village there are numerous livery yards with hundreds of horses, one of which is a racehorse training and rehoming yard. In addition there are numerous veteran horses and ponies adjacent to the build site who are in retirement and turned out to pasture to see out their days in tranquility - which will not be the case should the proposed development proceed. The narrow local roads are used by adults and children from the livery yards in the village to hack out along the country lanes. This is a small rural village and inappropriate for such a huge build.