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Representation by Anna Christina Stephens

Date submitted
2 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a concerned advocate for environmental conservation, I strongly oppose the proposed solar farm development. While I recognize the importance of renewable energy, the potential ecological effects of this project cannot be overlooked. Our delicate ecosystem, with its diverse habitats and precious biodiversity, risks irreparable harm if this ill-conceived development proceeds. The proposed solar farm development would entail the clearance of large swathes of natural habitat, including woodlands, meadows, and wetlands. This habitat destruction would disrupt ecosystems, fragment wildlife habitats, and displace native species, leading to biodiversity loss and ecological resilience. The community is home to a rich diversity of wildlife, from songbirds and pollinators to mammals and amphibians, who all rely on intact habitats for survival. The construction and operation of a solar farm would pose direct threats to wildlife, including habitat loss, disturbance, and mortality from collisions with solar panels and associated infrastructure. Our ecosystem provides invaluable services that support human well-being, including clean air and water, carbon sequestration, and soil fertility. The degradation of natural habitats and disruption of ecosystem processes resulting from the solar farm development would compromise these essential services, impacting the health and resilience of the community. The installation and maintenance of solar panels and associated infrastructure may involve the use of chemicals and materials that pose risks to soil and water quality. Runoff from the solar farm site could carry pollutants such as heavy metals, solvents, and construction debris into nearby water bodies, threatening aquatic ecosystems and human health. While the proposed solar farm aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change, its ecological impacts must be carefully considered. True sustainability requires a holistic approach that balances the benefits of renewable energy with the need to protect and preserve our natural environment for future generations.