Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Megan Suffell

Date submitted
3 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose Byers Gill for the reasons listed below: Cumulative impact in our area. Food Security. Loss of countryside. Loss of farmland. Danger of fires. Ugly battery storage units. Panels damage easily in the wind. Panels do not recycle. Danger to wildlife, birds and water sources. Damage to peoples mental health. Damage to house prices. Danger from substation to local people. Lack of care for locals opinions. RWE have been dreadful in consultations. We did not know about this until too late. RWE tried to keep landowners from talking to people. Changed plans are through landowners pulling out not listening to us. RWE haven't paid for full flooding reports as they don't want to waste money if it doesn't go through. Land will never go back to Farmland. JBM now owned by a large German company RWE. RWE advertising that this has already been agreed. People feel like it is a done deal and it is going to go through due to no support from local councils or MP's. Only MP to fully support is not even our MP yet. There are more reasons against solar than for.